Thursday, August 8, 2013

Welcome to HKIS!

Tai Tam Harbour (The View from my Room)
I've nearly finished my first week of work at Hong Kong International School. Sure, it's been a week chock full of faculty meetings and information overload, but it's nice to begin a routine and get back on a school campus.

HKIS Middle School
As many of you know, I've had my ups and downs with this transition (yesterday was a particularly difficult day). Today was a good day, however. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was gaining traction and beginning to get a handle on school things. I located my classroom (great view), arranged the furniture, found the supply closet, learned how to make copies, and met with my 6th grade teammates who are going to help me develop lessons and curriculum over the next few days. 

At HKIS, I am part of a teaching team. There are actually five 6th grade Language Arts / Social Studies teachers. Like Chaminade, HKIS has five houses and each house has its own teachers. It's worth mentioning that HKIS is quite a bit bigger than Chaminade. There are nearly 2,600 kids in the school (Pre-K - 12) and just over 200 in the 6th grade. I'll only have 40 of them; I won't get to know the other 160. That's a bit odd to me, but it's a change I'll get used to I suppose.

I've attached a few photos of the campus. It's a dramatic setting; carved into a lush hillside on the south side of Hong Kong Island. My classroom has a panoramic view of Tai Tam Harbour and the surrounding hills. I'm not all that keen on beaches (I'm more of a mountain person), but I can't complain about the view. I don't know how much work will get done with all of us staring out the window all the time. 

Classroom 303
The first day of School at HKIS is Wednesday, August 14. Summer is coming to an end quickly and before I know it fall will be here. Of course, fall in Hong Kong means temps in the 70s-80s instead of the 90s (and a drop in humidity).

The kids arrive next week. I'm sure I'll have plenty of first impressions to share. Until then, I'll just enjoy the view...

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