Monday, July 8, 2013

Until We Meet Again...

Here it is 10 days before my departure, and I've entered a prolonged period of "goodbyes." It's a bittersweet time, really; a time where I feel caught between the sadness of leaving behind so many good friends and feeling excitement for a new adventure.
A Fond Farewell from my 7th Grade All-Stars!

I feel very fortunate to have so many friends, young and old, who are making it a point to get together before the summer ends. From my neighbors to my colleagues to my former students; everyone is making one last effort to say, "Good luck," and it means more to me than they will ever know.

Some of the gatherings are very simple; a BBQ or a beer on the patio or down the street. Some are more elaborate like a lavish Bon Voyage / Retirement party thrown by a group of 6th grade parents. Just last night, and group of my favorite 7th grade students invited me out to dinner to wish me well.

I know that I'm going to meet all kinds of wonderful new people, but I wouldn't be human if I didn't feel sadness for all the people I'm leaving behind.

There are a lot of people to catch up with over the next 10 days; I want to spend as much time as possible with them (and my family, too). It's reassuring to know that St. Louis will always be "home" and I'm not telling them goodbye. I'm simply saying, "See you (much) later" or "Until we meet again..."

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