Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Breaking News!

The cat is out of the bag! Everyone knows!

For the past few weeks (since I signed my contract with HKIS), I have worked hard to keep my move and my new adventure a secret.

I don't know why! No, wait; yes I do.

At first, I thought it was all too good to be true. (In fact, I can still hardly believe it!) I suppose I was nervous that something that was going to go wrong, something was going to fall through the cracks and  my new opportunity would slip through my fingers. If that happened, I didn't want to have to backpedal and change my story. Thus, I thought it wiser to tell no one until things settled down and plans became more definite.

Keeping the news secret for over a month was really hard. No, it was impossible. Naturally, there were a few strategic people who had to know (administrators at CCP, my real estate agent, closest friends), but I wasn't ready for it to be public knowledge. (I really didn't want some friend leaking it on Facebook either). I wanted to break the news personally to my closest friends before they heard about it second or third hand. Maybe I was making a bigger deal out of it than it needed to be, but I wanted to spread the word on my own terms.

During the month of March, I decided to let my adult friends and colleagues in on the idea. They were all professional and supportive, and it was really exciting to share my excitement with them. I still wasn't ready for my students to know; I just wasn't ready to answer questions.

As Mike Bander says, "There are no secrets at Chaminade," and it only too a few weeks for news to start leaking out. Since our return from Easter, I gently denied the rumors or redirected the kids questions.

This week, that all changed. Some of my favorite students started asking, "Mr. Lange, are you moving to Hong Kong?" I could resist no longer, and I confirmed their suspicions. Some were excited; some were sad to hear that I was leaving (very touching); most just had more questions. "Why would you want to move to China?"

It will take a few more weeks for the news to settle in, but I'm happy they all know. It will give me more time to explain my excitement, allay their fears, and say my goodbyes.

I'm glad the news is out and I'm touched by all the well wishes and support I'm receiving from parents, students and colleagues. Maybe I should have told them sooner.

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