Friday, March 15, 2013

Good Morning, Vietnam!

I’ve spent the last few days in Hanoi, Vietnam on vacation. I had a great time with my dad and brother, of course, but I spent a lot of time thinking about Hong Kong. How could I not? HK is only 500 miles from Hanoi! It was fun to look at maps of Southeast Asia and know that it was going to be my new corner of the world.

Hanoi was a perfectly average city. It was made interesting by its congestion and historical quirkiness, but otherwise it was a drab and dull metropolis. The highlight was renting a motorbike and joining the pulsating hoards on the streets of the capital city.

The highlight of the trip was a two-day cruise through Ha Long Bay. Few places are more beautiful, and it was a great opportunity to bond with my dad for a few days. (Brother decided to stay in Hanoi and shop of tea. That’s a story for another time).

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