Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Telling Friends

I had to tell my best friends the news before they heard it from someone else. At Chaminade, that meant Jack and Karl had to know right away. Karl, Jack, and I always had a deal. If one of us was going to move on or retire, we’d let the other one know.

Karl has decided to retire at the end of this year, and as a man true to his word he broke the news to me two weeks ago. I kind of had a suspicion. He has been trying to pass off Teton planning duties to me for a few weeks. I’ve been successfully delaying, not knowing what my future held. Now that I know, I decided to tell him. I walked into his classroom on an idle Tuesday afternoon and told him that I won’t be returning to Chaminade in the fall. I think he was a bit surprised, but once I laid out my plans he was nothing but supportive. (Karl is never anything else!). He, like, Mike, was very excited for me and his reaction further reaffirmed my decision to begin a new adventure.  Karl and I have been teammates and “neighbors” for eleven years, so the news meant we were coming to the end of an era. It’s going to be difficult to part ways at the end of May, but I’m sure we’ll be friends for a long time.

It was a bit harder to tell Jack because I felt like I was abandoning him. (I hope that’s doesn’t sound too conceited). Jack is an innovative man and a great teacher, and he’s constantly reinventing himself, so I’m sure he’ll continue to be whether I’m at Chaminade or not. However, we’ve shared a lot of good adventures together, and I think we are cut from similar cloth. When I feel like others at Chaminade just don’t get me (or my opinions, interests, etc.), I know Jack does. His family has been so kind to me, too. They’ve too often adopted me as their own; inviting me over for holidays, family celebrations or simple barbecues. Thus, we’re not just colleagues, we’re great friends.

I had to tell Jack in a fleeting moment before he jetted off to England with some 8th grade students. It wasn’t ideal timing, but I wanted him to know before it leaked out while he was away. He deserved to be among the first to know.

I hope Jack and Karl (and Mike) all know how joyous they have made my time at Chaminade and how much longer my tenure there has been thanks to their friendship and guidance. I hope more than anything that we can bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle to maintain our friendship.

Now it’s time to tell a few others…

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